Other than enjoying the festive Christmas season, I've also really been enjoying CHRIST. Wow, what a difference He makes. These have been an intense last few months for me-- God has really been purifying the way I relate to and love people. Living in community sure does expose a lot! It's been hard, uncomfortable, painful, but today in our Church Planting class, I realized that this is God's plan for discipleship! Praise God that He is discipling me, growing me and conforming me more to the image of Christ. Some things I've been learning...
Is it more important to be RIGHT or to LOVE?
The only way to not be anxious: "I must carry all the care and trouble and the circumstances to the living God, and then wait upon Him until I get sight of my God undertaking and taking complete charge." --Andrew Murray
Assumptions are no good, and when you're interacting with people very different than you, it's important to over-communicate!
May God give us all broken and contrite hearts. May we continue to surrender our entire lives into His hands that we might truly live. May He direct our hearts into His love, that we may truly live for what He intended us for.
Love to you all!