Life has been quite full! A really good kind of full.
I've been feeling really connected relationally now- with my church, with people from MHOP, with Christine and her family, with my team. Praise God!
I look forward to going to church on Sundays. I love the warmth of the people there, the simplicity of the worship, and I find it cool that they don't have a pastor, but several elders who take turns preaching, and most of the congregation is involved in some sort of responsibility for the "Gemeinde" (fellowship/congregation). During the service there is always an open time for people to pray where they are, for whatever is on their heart. I like that everyone can participate. For the first time, I prayed out loud a simple prayer in German. My heart beat so fast, afraid of making a mistake in front of so many people, but I was really excited to be a part. It was so cool! Afterward several people told me they were so excited about it, and a friend told me that people at church feel very respected by me because I seek to communicate in their "Mutter Sprache" (Mother Tongue). Praise God! God has been so faithful to be faithful in me! When all I have is a desire to do good, but not the strength of wisdom to carry it out, God has led me, answered my weak prayers and connected me so well here with the Body of Christ. This is truly His doing!
Sunday afternoon Christine invited Jeff and I to join her, her husband, her son and her son's girlfriend for lunch at a Heuriger (a typical Austrian restaurant). It was so much fun! We laughed a lot and learned quite a few German jokes, as Christine's husband is quite the joking man. I'm so blessed by Christine's love, care, and joy in our friendship, and am so happy that she's invited me (and Jeff!) to connect with her family. Please continue to pray for this relationship. May God direct our conversations that the truth about Jesus and His Kingdom may be revealed, and that Christine would find true life, and her family too! They are so generous.
In feeling so connected here in Austria, I've actually been having the thoughts that I could live here! I think that's the way it goes- we're relational beings, so wherever we connect relationally, it just seems right to live in that place. God can make that happen anywhere, but please pray for me as time in Austria is growing short and the future awaits. Can't wait to see what God has! Hmmm, but it truly is good to enjoy the Lord and His faithfulness right here, right now.