A lot has happened since I last wrote! I embarked on a long plane ride back to the USA and after 16 months away, finally set foot on my home turf. It was sure good to see family and friends again, but it was so strange to have what was once comfortable now foreign and what was once foreign, now comfortable! I found myself less friendly and open than before, as in Austria such behavior is looked upon skeptically and often not received. I discovered I was annoyed at noise and small talk; Austrians like to keep quiet, mind their own business (though you'll catch them staring at you from the corner of their eye), and go deep with a small circle of friends. It's truly amazing how much we are affected by culture! After a short break with my family and then with Jeff's family, I headed back to Minnesota to finish up school, primarily doing a lot of reflecting and sorting through what I'd learned throughout my time at Bethany and seeking to find my identity in the Kingdom of God rather than in Austrian or American culture. I think that will be a life-long process. :)
Besides school and reflecting, I spent my last 4 months in college planning for my wedding! It was an exciting but stressful time, and ended with a big bang- Jeff and I graduated from college one day and got married the next!

Now we're mostly settled in (God provided furniture for us too!) and are working and enjoying being married. We love going to the church we went to as college students and it's fun having lots of friends around from school as well (lots of newlyweds!). How fun it is to have a home to host in!
So now you're all caught up. :) I'll be back again soon!