"Surely I will taste the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Who knew?! Who knew that you could actually experience the goodness of God?! Well, that sounds kindn of slanderous, but honestly I don't think I did! Admist the dry and arid times of forming and growing and learning these past few years (or even my entire life), I wondered if I'd ever find what I was looking for, if God would ever answer my prayers, if my soul would ever find rest. I may be young, but those years seemed to take forever! Forever of crying out for God, of disciplining myself, of seeking the Truth, and of clinging to the hope that God's promises would turn into reality. And tonight, I realized,
I'm living in the reality of answered prayers.
I'm living in the reality of answered prayers!!!! I was writing in my journal tonight and I went on for three pages of "counting my blessings"... and I'm not even half done! After God spent these past years tilling the soil in my life, pulling the weeds (some had really deep roots and that hurt!), and establishing a foundation, these past couple of weeks I've been finding little green buds emerging from the fresh earth! I really do believe God has brought me to Bloomington to Bloom!!! Let me share with you just a taste of the goodness God has blessed me with!

Well...I'm out of time, but I'll post more of my blessings soon!
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