Monday, November 5, 2007

Incomplacent Contentment

Today these eyes of mine beheld their first Minnesota snow flakes!!! They were just little flurries, but hey, it counts!

Even as winter rolls in, God continues to warm my heart as He sancifies me with His loving refiner's fire. Every week presents a new challege that builds on the old, and lately God has been teaching my heart who I am in Christ. This past week was a powerful one spiritually as God revealed to me all the idols that have been in my life. Many of these idols were deceiving, as they were good and praiseworthy things (like going on missions trips, giving gifts to people, playing sports...) but God showed me that I was using them to define who I was, and therefore was worshipping them and esteeming them above God. So what a powerful thing it was to confess, repent and renounce each of these idols as the Spirit led and then declare that my identity was no longer found in them, but in Jesus Christ alone! Though I didn't feel a whole lot, I know that much happened in the spiritual realm, and that day I realized that for the first time in my life I could say that Jesus was Lord of my life, that I worshipped Him alone, that I was in right-standing with God and was exactly where He wanted me to be. That was (and continues to be) so freeing! I feel as though finally I am ceasing my striving and resting in the place that God has me, all the while hungering and seeking after more. I believe I have found contentment and not complacency. I would really appreciate your prayers regarding revelation in my heart about who God says I am! If I'm not defined by being an athlete, an artist, a pastor's daughter, or a missionary (and so on), then what am I defined by? And more importantly, WHO am I defined by? And who really is that Who? :)

Thank you for your prayers!!!


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