My new Austrian friend Yasmin paused thoughtfully and responded: "I don't know really... maybe love. They have everything they want-- wealth, security, but they're grumpy and pessimistic... happiness I think is what they want, and joy. Life is so routine and mundane here- they want something interesting, something optimistic."
I've been considering a lot why God has me here-- wanting to discover His mission that I might walk with Him to fulfill it. He keeps bringing me back over and over and over that the mission is...
Jesus....worship of Him in spirit and in truth.
Out of all the things Jesus could have prayed for in His final time with His disciples, he chose to pray that they would "be one, as We are one" and this not only for those 12 disciples, but also for "those who will believe in Jesus through their word"...Jesus prayed this for us.
It is in this unity, this oneness with Jesus and the Father and the Spirit that every pleasing act of faith, every demonstration of love, every good work and fruit is birthed, for it is "no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Austrians need joy. Austrians need love. Austrians need GOD because these things belong to God and cannot be found outside of God, not even in a girl like me... unless I KNOW HIM and am FOUND IN HIM, not having a righteousness or a joy or a love of my own, but rather that is BY FAITH.
"Apart from Me you can do nothing...the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples" --Jesus

1 comment:
i love you miss mckenzie conn.
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