Haha, we do look a little lost. :)
We were asked to return to our beloved town of Litér to do a weekend English/Bible outreach hosted by the local school. It's only a 2 1/2 hour drive (and a beautiful one at that) and we were more than happy to make the trip and see the kids and friends that we'd made from the summer.
They were so excited to see us!

Jeff became a human jungle gym as usual. :)

On Saturday we each had a class of kids for 2 hours in the morning. I was with the 9-12 year old's along with the English teacher of the school and the local pastor. We took them through the story of the Good Samaritan in different ways, using both English and Hungarian. Then we put together a modern skit to present to the parents that afternoon!
Instead of "robbers," we had gangsters. :)
After presenting the skits, we had a sort of "family fun day" and played all sorts of relay race games among other things with the kids and their families. Quite a few turned out and it was so fun! At the end we roasted this traditional Hungarian bread coated with sugar on an open fire and Lindy gave her testimony. It was a good evening of connecting with the people.
I really enjoyed talking throughout the day to the English teacher who I worked with. She's in her 20's and is not a Christian. She said the kids have been talking about us ever since school started! They told her that I was very kind so she said she was excited to meet me. She had lots of questions and really wanted to meet again in the future. We're friends on facebook so be praying as I continue to connect with her! She's a neat lady. :)
On Sunday, I got to share my testimony in church. A lot of the town came because they heard the Americans were there. :) I got really nervous during church and felt out of practice in public speaking, and part way through my testimony I went blank! The translator was so kind and calm and I was able to pick back up and I think it turned out quite well. I'm glad the Hungarians got to see that I'm quite human too. :) A lot of them came up after wards and thanked me for sharing- I'm thankful for the opportunity!
After church, we were invited to one of our favorite family's houses (the Halmy family) for a huge feast! Many other families were there and we had a grand time of delicious Hungarian food and drinks and deserts and lots of great fellowship. Many of them speak good English, but for the others that don't we both get to practice our German (with lots of laughs!). They taught us a Hungarian song then they eagerly learned an English one as well. They are such incredible hosts and we love them so much!
Here's the Halmy family, waving to us goodbye. "Christmas?! New Years?!" They asked? :) We'll see when it is, but I do hope and think we'll get to see them again before we head back to the states. I'm so thankful God has given us a taste of truly connecting with a community and being so well received there! Pray for the town of Litér! God is awakening their hearts and has established a beautiful community there. I have learned so much from them!
We were asked to return to our beloved town of Litér to do a weekend English/Bible outreach hosted by the local school. It's only a 2 1/2 hour drive (and a beautiful one at that) and we were more than happy to make the trip and see the kids and friends that we'd made from the summer.
They were so excited to see us!
Jeff became a human jungle gym as usual. :)
On Saturday we each had a class of kids for 2 hours in the morning. I was with the 9-12 year old's along with the English teacher of the school and the local pastor. We took them through the story of the Good Samaritan in different ways, using both English and Hungarian. Then we put together a modern skit to present to the parents that afternoon!
After presenting the skits, we had a sort of "family fun day" and played all sorts of relay race games among other things with the kids and their families. Quite a few turned out and it was so fun! At the end we roasted this traditional Hungarian bread coated with sugar on an open fire and Lindy gave her testimony. It was a good evening of connecting with the people.
I really enjoyed talking throughout the day to the English teacher who I worked with. She's in her 20's and is not a Christian. She said the kids have been talking about us ever since school started! They told her that I was very kind so she said she was excited to meet me. She had lots of questions and really wanted to meet again in the future. We're friends on facebook so be praying as I continue to connect with her! She's a neat lady. :)
On Sunday, I got to share my testimony in church. A lot of the town came because they heard the Americans were there. :) I got really nervous during church and felt out of practice in public speaking, and part way through my testimony I went blank! The translator was so kind and calm and I was able to pick back up and I think it turned out quite well. I'm glad the Hungarians got to see that I'm quite human too. :) A lot of them came up after wards and thanked me for sharing- I'm thankful for the opportunity!
After church, we were invited to one of our favorite family's houses (the Halmy family) for a huge feast! Many other families were there and we had a grand time of delicious Hungarian food and drinks and deserts and lots of great fellowship. Many of them speak good English, but for the others that don't we both get to practice our German (with lots of laughs!). They taught us a Hungarian song then they eagerly learned an English one as well. They are such incredible hosts and we love them so much!
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