Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sonnenschein und Ruhetag

"Sunshine and Days of Rest!"

That's what yesterday was, and it was grand. :)

My flatmates and I headed to the Danube river in Vienna to soak up the long-awaited sunshine and...

we flew a kite!Well, kind of. :) It was so windy that the kite was quite violent and didn't soar so well! But we laughed a lot.

Then... Jeff met me in Vienna and we went on a date. I love walking through the 1st district, cobblestone paths and beautiful architecture. It never gets old! I'm trying to soak it up while I can-- only 2 months left here!

We went to a cafe that looks over the city and did some sketching. :)

Then we took a night bike ride through the city! What an adventure! The city bikes are great- free for an hour!

Stopping for photos at a WWII monument. :)

Thanks God, for all the good you bring into our lives. :)

1 comment:

Lindy said...

"I only asked that God would show me His wonder...."