This past week we were in yet another Hungarian town serving a reformed church. We were English teachers for a week long English and Bible camp. I got to teach the older group of 13-16 year olds along with my teammate Jake. They were a really creative bunch so we got to do a lot of cool crafts and drawings!
There was a group of 4 teens that called me their own and were sure to save a place for me at every meal. They were full of smiles and eager to test out their bank of English questions (and just as eager to teach me Hungarian words). The week was a challenging one, as it was hard to teach effectively and to know how to share Jesus with the students and we were all quite tired, but when one of my male students cried on the last day, saying he would miss us teachers so much, I was thankful to see that God was able to communicate love through us after all.
I think my favorite part of the week was actually getting to interact with the cook for the camp. She was very sick and was the only one cooking when there were supposed to be other helpers (there were about 50 kids at the camp), and as Hungarians are sticklers to their snack times, she had a lot of meals to prepare! She was also having some difficulties with one of her sons. God really laid her on my heart so I prayed for her through the week and tried to encourage her, thank her, and help out as much as I could. When we left today she gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and with moist eyes said, "you're a good girl."
Thanks so much for your prayers! I'm so thankful that God is using us to serve His Body in Hungary, even in our weakness!
We have a few days of rest now. :) Praise the Lord. :)
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