Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Dance of Autumn

Fall is here in all it's glory.
I've decided that October is my new favorite month of the year.
Vibrant colors crown the trees, contrasted by a piercing yet soft blue backdrop. The sun shines like a pure jewel in the sky while the leaves magically dance around, propelled by the wind, encircling me as I wade down the path. There is an adventurous journey and I'm on it, engaging it, finding it both enthralling and hazardous to a certain part of me. My encounter with healing has been through tears, and redmption has come from desolation. In the clearing I see that God is far more gracious, far more compassionate, far more loving, far more inviting than my heart thought. And as He beacons me, my once timid step becomes quickened, my bashful gaze lifts to meet His eyes and my heart shifts, filled with awe that this God has kindness, not condemnation in store for me. I'm learning to receive, to trust, to remain.
My soul dares to breathe, trusting that the air is fresh, not putrid.
And in the stillness, the silence, I hear His Voice.
"You are Mine, McKenzie."
Okay. :)

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