Thursday, February 25, 2010


We've had SUNSHINE recently! That's a delight after so much gray. This is actually a mosaic on the side of a house in Stockerau that I pass often on walks. I like it. :)

Life has more of a semblance of routine than it's ever had during this time in Austria. It's kind of nice. One of my favorite days now are Tuesdays, because I get to teach English and be around some great kids!

This is Silas and Eliah, two sons of a Swiss missionary family that are a part of OM. On Tuesdays I tutor them in English along with their sister. They're a lot of fun. :)

Yep, no one can resist this smile, especially in a cute bear costume! He was dressed up for faschingsdienstag, basically Austria's version of Mardi Gras.

On Tuesday mornings I get to go to the local kindergarten and assist an English teacher for an hour. It's so fun! There are 10 adorable kids and I've found I really enjoy teaching. I'm thankful for that opportunity.

These are the Keller girls, 3 lovely sisters from another Swiss family involved with OM here in Austria. I attend the same church as them and also enjoy helping out at their youth group on Wednesday nights. They're such special girls with beautiful heart's for Jesus. It's been cool to pray for them and encourage them, as Christian friends are a rare commodity.

It's crazy to think I only have 2 months left here! It's felt like such a very long time. Lately it's felt hard, being here. But I know God's plans are good and He has more grace to give along with the challenges. Please pray that He directs my heart into His love and encourages my spirit. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping lately and just resting in general, so please pray that God refreshes me and my team and gives us good rest.

Love to all!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"The police are here!"

Yesterday I woke up to the sound of German voices and of a walkie talkie, and to the sight of my roommates peaking out of our door. "What's going on?!"

"The police are here!"

That's quite a way to wake up on a Monday morning!

Shortly after, the police left and Lindy explained what was going on. She said the police would be back in 30 minutes and that we needed to get our passports and papers ready to show them. She said they were fairly friendly, but we were anxiously anticipating their return, wondering what it meant for the rest of our short future in Austria... would we have to leave again?

Thankfully Robert and another OM team member came and took charge of the whole process. The police returned, and we all stood in the hallway, having our passports and papers intricately examined.

It turned out they just wanted to make sure we were who we said we were, and that everything matched up with our papers and such. We just don't fit into any of their boxes so frankly they just don't know what to do with us! They can't figure out how we have money to stay here, since we're not allowed to work in Austria, and the thought of us having family members and supporters back home who sponsor us to be here is inconceivable to them. So I'd like to say another big thanks to you all for making it possible for me to be here, and for blowing the minds of Austrian police at your generosity! :)

Having their questions satisfied, the police left and everything is OK. So yet another praise that God provided for us to stay here in Austria!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fun but full times!

Greetings from the very snowy land of Austria! I hear in TX things are quite cold too. :)

February's been a fun month so far. All of the university students have the whole month off, so it's been fun hanging out with friends!

Jeff and I got to experience ice skating at the "Rathaus"- a huge and beautiful civic building and center.

We went with our Austrian friends Julia and Mario. It's been a blessing to have Christian couples to hang out with, and for them too!

Times at Mercy House of Prayer continue to be very enriching and encouraging. I've been serving on Tuesday and Thursday nights, doing some cleaning, sometimes running the worship slides and eating up good times with Jesus. I've also been helping make some banners to decorate the prayer room. Here's the first one I've finished! "Gnade" means mercy, or grace.

I've also been enjoying some "Stilleziet"- quiet times in the mornings with Jesus. I love these flowers with our green curtains, watching the snow fall and soaking up the everlasting love that God has for me!

Hehe, this is a picture Lindy took of me on our walk around Stockerau. I found it symbolic with how God's also teaching me to shut my ears to the teachings of the world and of the devil and open up my heart to listen and believe what God says!

Monday, February 8, 2010

:: Faithful ::

Life has been quite full! A really good kind of full.

I've been feeling really connected relationally now- with my church, with people from MHOP, with Christine and her family, with my team. Praise God!

I look forward to going to church on Sundays. I love the warmth of the people there, the simplicity of the worship, and I find it cool that they don't have a pastor, but several elders who take turns preaching, and most of the congregation is involved in some sort of responsibility for the "Gemeinde" (fellowship/congregation). During the service there is always an open time for people to pray where they are, for whatever is on their heart. I like that everyone can participate. For the first time, I prayed out loud a simple prayer in German. My heart beat so fast, afraid of making a mistake in front of so many people, but I was really excited to be a part. It was so cool! Afterward several people told me they were so excited about it, and a friend told me that people at church feel very respected by me because I seek to communicate in their "Mutter Sprache" (Mother Tongue). Praise God! God has been so faithful to be faithful in me! When all I have is a desire to do good, but not the strength of wisdom to carry it out, God has led me, answered my weak prayers and connected me so well here with the Body of Christ. This is truly His doing!

Sunday afternoon Christine invited Jeff and I to join her, her husband, her son and her son's girlfriend for lunch at a Heuriger (a typical Austrian restaurant). It was so much fun! We laughed a lot and learned quite a few German jokes, as Christine's husband is quite the joking man. I'm so blessed by Christine's love, care, and joy in our friendship, and am so happy that she's invited me (and Jeff!) to connect with her family. Please continue to pray for this relationship. May God direct our conversations that the truth about Jesus and His Kingdom may be revealed, and that Christine would find true life, and her family too! They are so generous.

In feeling so connected here in Austria, I've actually been having the thoughts that I could live here! I think that's the way it goes- we're relational beings, so wherever we connect relationally, it just seems right to live in that place. God can make that happen anywhere, but please pray for me as time in Austria is growing short and the future awaits. Can't wait to see what God has! Hmmm, but it truly is good to enjoy the Lord and His faithfulness right here, right now.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Wow, I had such a refreshing time with God today. He always comes at just the right time and gives you what you need! I was pleasantly surprised to find myself alone in our flat, and was thankful for the space and time God gave me to be with Him, to pray, to work things out that He's doing in my life.

It's been incredible reflecting on this last year and seeing all the ways God has come through. For real! This last year was one of the most challenging years I've ever had. I recently realized that I was bitter and angry towards God because I thought He had let me down and hadn't given me what I needed. But then I realized that He DID; I was just expecting Him to answer differently then I gave up on Him and got offended at Him right before He answered my prayer! It's been so refreshing to repent of my offense and unbelief and to have my heart flooded with the memories of how God answered prayers of all kinds. Some of them being...

Strenuous and tense relationship conflicts in my flat being resolved! God has brought so much healing, reconciliation and sincere love to our flat. Praise God!

Awesome relationships with people here in Austria. God has blessed me so much at my church with a wealth of awesome Godly girls my age! I have been so blessed by them and have loved being able to also encourage them. He's also blessed me with many families who invite me over for lunch after church. What great hosts and wonderful people! I love my friends here. They were somewhat long in coming, but God made it happen (and He helped overcome the language barrier too)!

Relationships outside of my church with people here. The local pool that I work out in has helped with that immensely! God has been faithful to bring people across my path for me to love and to be a witness about Jesus to.

Also concerning the pool, God has been helping me overcome my struggles with my self-image and has provided a healthy way for me to work out. I'm still a work in progress, but God has brought so much healing and truth to my insecurities and continues to set me free to be who I'm created to be!

My financial support has been continual and faithful throughout my whole time here. I have never had a lack! Praise God and thank you for being a part of that!

...and so many more things!!!

God truly is faithful. He is so patient, gracious and kind and endures with me and my weakness. He is so full of love and good-will. I'm so thankful that I get to know Him!