Saturday, February 6, 2010


Wow, I had such a refreshing time with God today. He always comes at just the right time and gives you what you need! I was pleasantly surprised to find myself alone in our flat, and was thankful for the space and time God gave me to be with Him, to pray, to work things out that He's doing in my life.

It's been incredible reflecting on this last year and seeing all the ways God has come through. For real! This last year was one of the most challenging years I've ever had. I recently realized that I was bitter and angry towards God because I thought He had let me down and hadn't given me what I needed. But then I realized that He DID; I was just expecting Him to answer differently then I gave up on Him and got offended at Him right before He answered my prayer! It's been so refreshing to repent of my offense and unbelief and to have my heart flooded with the memories of how God answered prayers of all kinds. Some of them being...

Strenuous and tense relationship conflicts in my flat being resolved! God has brought so much healing, reconciliation and sincere love to our flat. Praise God!

Awesome relationships with people here in Austria. God has blessed me so much at my church with a wealth of awesome Godly girls my age! I have been so blessed by them and have loved being able to also encourage them. He's also blessed me with many families who invite me over for lunch after church. What great hosts and wonderful people! I love my friends here. They were somewhat long in coming, but God made it happen (and He helped overcome the language barrier too)!

Relationships outside of my church with people here. The local pool that I work out in has helped with that immensely! God has been faithful to bring people across my path for me to love and to be a witness about Jesus to.

Also concerning the pool, God has been helping me overcome my struggles with my self-image and has provided a healthy way for me to work out. I'm still a work in progress, but God has brought so much healing and truth to my insecurities and continues to set me free to be who I'm created to be!

My financial support has been continual and faithful throughout my whole time here. I have never had a lack! Praise God and thank you for being a part of that!

...and so many more things!!!

God truly is faithful. He is so patient, gracious and kind and endures with me and my weakness. He is so full of love and good-will. I'm so thankful that I get to know Him!

1 comment:

Lindy said...

Oh Kenz. God is faithful and true huh?!? so great! And don't forget how much God has come through for you and Mr. Beiler. God will never leave you, friend.