Friday, January 22, 2010

:::House Church:::

We had a very thought-provoking class this week; the title: Church Planting Movements. It was taught by a missionary to India and who shared on principles of the massive outbreak of Christianity in China. What a cool concept and strategy they have going on! The big idea of it is

training people to be trainers.

Sound strange? Instead of being a missionary and just winning people to Jesus, be a missionary, win people to Jesus then train them to train others, not only to win people to Jesus but to train those people to train others too! So it's this big organic movement where everything that is needed to sustain the life of the "cell" is there from the beginning. For instance, instead of having a linear perspective (becoming a Christian, getting baptized, being discipled, evangelizing after a long time, being in leadership...etc.), having an "organic" perspective. Let me elaborate on this...

It starts with a small group of people, maybe even all missionaries to begin with. They are committed to meeting together in a house (no extra finances, comfortable, being a Christian isn't seen as Sunday only thing, but penetrates your every day life) for church consisting of worship, fellowship, ministry, discipleship, evangelism/missions. These people are bold, being intentional to love and reach out to those they encounter during the week, and are prepared to share with anyone their story (testimony) and the gospel. Prayer is central to this, but they share and win people to Jesus, inviting them into their house church. Once it grows, they multiply and keep each church small, (better accountability and participation for and from all) and keep multiplying and reproducing.

You can't reproduce what you aren't.

I love this idea of church being our everyday lives, of the body of Christ living with vision and intentionality, of seeing the Holy Spirit work as everyone is sharing and stepping out to sow the seed.

I love the concept of house churches. It provides such a great atmosphere for all to be involved and participate (the smaller the group, the easier it is to be vulnerable!), that way there isn't one pastor who is overworked. I love the idea of everyone using the gifts the Holy Spirit has given and functioning as a body.

This class really fueled me up to take my ideas of "church" to God and let Him define them. Who knows what the future holds, but I'm looking forward to experiencing more and more the fullness of God through His church.

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