Monday, April 20, 2009

Visa Update

Still no news about our visas.

The weekend of May 1st our team will take a trip to Bosnia (Operation Mobilization has a base there so we will be staying with them) as we must exit the EU since we've been here 3 months.

We can then legally come back for 3 months, and if we don't get visas by then, we will have to exit the EU until January, when we can come back legally for 2, 3 month periods.

Please pray that God makes a way for us to get our visas!!! As I connect more and more, and especially consider ministry with the prostitutes, I'm seeing the incredible value of uninterrupted time here, as time builds trust. May God's will be done, but I really have a burden to continue to press in and ask God to make a way!

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