Sunday, July 26, 2009

English camp in Erd

I've discovered I quite like to teach! This week my teammate Lindy and I are teaching the beginner's level of English to local Hungarians. The two week course is put on by the local church here in Erd. Our classes are quite small: 3 students in the morning and 3 in the evening! The pastor of the church is our translator, and we've all been having a good time. In the morning all of our students speak German, so during the breaks we've been able to get to know them and practice our Deutsch! They are great students- hungry to learn and quick to laugh. In Hungary, it's said that you won't get old if you keep learning, so half of our students are actually over the age of 60! Lazslo is one of my favorites because he reminds me of my Grandpa Conn- quick to tease with a twinkle in his eye and an easy laugh. On Friday evening after our last class all of the students (there are 8 classes total, our team of 8 plus another girl teaching them all) were invited to a game night. I got to talk to Lazslo and his wife and see pictures from their weekend trip to Austria. :)

Twice a week we have chapel after class, which is optional for the students to come to. The majority have come! We play a song before then someone gives a testimony. Jeff and Jake gave theirs this week, each an awesome and unique sharing of the Gospel. The students have been very receptive and we heard that the security guard commented that he really needs to consider the message that was presented because, as he's been watching us all week, he knows that what was preached is true because we live it! That was encouraging to hear. 

I'm so thankful that God has been at work and that this week went well, because honestly we've all been very tired! Yesterday we had a great day of much needed rest, and we're really blessed by having Robert, Ulla and their son Josef come to see us (and cook us an awesome breakfast!).

Tomorrow we will start again. The hardest thing for us has been planning, as after 2 1/2 hours in the morning we're really ready to rest after lunch to be ready for our evening class, but we've had to spend a lot of time planning. I would appreciate your prayers for strength, joy and a good attitude and creativity for our lesson plans! As we're functioning as a large group of teachers with one car, I'd also appreciate your prayers for patience!

love to all!

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