Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gutenstein Time

'Tis the eve of "die Anfang auf Sommer"... the beginning of summer! We leave bright and early tomorrow to head South of Vienna for a week long of helping at Camp Gutenstein.

Today was my last Sunday at die Stockerau Gemeinde, as we will be gone all summer. We had an outdoor service! It was lovely to be outside! There's a girl here from Switzerland helping out OM so she came to church as well. She helped me with translating parts of the service and I enjoyed talking to her afterwards as well. I'm understanding more and more each week! It's exciting for a once foreign language to become more comfortable and familiar.

After the service I joined 4 other young adult girls for their cell group meeting. They've asked me to be a part of it for this next year! As they don't have a college group leader, they've decided to take initiative to help one another love and follow Jesus. Today we had a picnic, taking a cozy shelter under a tree as rain and thunder came and went. Surprisingly it was quite cozy and we had a great time! We were all sharing what's been on our hearts and praying for one another. I was really blessed and encouraged by their prayers for me and how friendly, open and considerate they've been to me- truly an answer to prayer! I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better during the time we have left in Austria.

Well... ich muste gehen zu schlafen (I need to go to sleep!)... until next time!

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